notes on text classification

some approaches to text classification using R

June 14, 2022

A re-worked version of a previous post. A very small survey of some simple, but effective approaches to text classification using R, with a focus on Naive Bayes and FastText classifiers.

1 Labeled data

For demonstration purposes, we build a corpus using the quicknews package. The corpus is comprised of articles returned from a set of health-related queries. Search terms, then, serve as classification labels. An imperfect annotation process, but fine for our purposes here. As “distant” supervision.


terms <- c('heart disease', 
           'mental health',
           'substance abuse',
           'kidney disease')

rss <- lapply(terms, function(x) {
  quicknews::qnews_build_rss(x) %>%
    quicknews::qnews_strip_rss() }) 

names(rss) <- terms
rss0 <- rss %>%
  bind_rows(.id = 'term') %>%
  mutate(term = gsub(' ', '_', term)) %>%
  distinct(link, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
  mutate(doc_id = as.character(row_number())) %>%
  mutate(term = as.factor(term))  %>%
  select(doc_id, term:link)
articles <- quicknews::qnews_extract_article(url = rss0$link, cores = 7) 
articles0 <- articles %>% left_join(rss0)

Descriptives for the resulting corpus by search term. So, a super small demo corpus.

articles0 %>%
  mutate(words = tokenizers::count_words(text)) %>%
  group_by(term) %>%
  summarize(n = n(), words = sum(words)) %>%
  janitor::adorn_totals() %>%
term n words
diabetes 81 72045
heart_disease 82 65505
kidney_disease 80 68379
mental_health 82 73804
obesity 81 69179
substance_abuse 84 64133
Total 490 413045

A sample of articles from the GoogleNews/quicknews query:

articles0 %>% 
  select(term, date, source, title) %>% 
  sample_n(5) %>%
term date source title
kidney_disease 2022-05-23 U.S. Task Force to consider routine kidney disease screening as new drugs available
substance_abuse 2022-06-15 The Sylva Herald District Court | Court News |
substance_abuse 2022-05-28 WUSF News Northeast Florida’s health care concerns: from substance abuse to food deserts
heart_disease 2022-05-23 Bloomberg Take Breaks and Watch Less TV to Slash Heart Disease Risk, Experts Say
substance_abuse 2022-06-14 Williston Daily Herald Report: U.S. records highest ever rates of substance abuse, suicide-related deaths

2 Data structures

2.1 Document-Term Matrix

As bag-of-words

dtm <- articles0 %>% 
  mutate(wds = tokenizers::count_words(text)) %>%
  filter(wds > 200 & wds < 1500) %>%
  text2df::tif2token() %>%
  text2df::token2df() %>%
  mutate(token = tolower(token)) 
  # mutate(stem = quanteda::char_wordstem(token))

dtm %>% head() %>% knitr::kable()
doc_id token token_id
2 heart 1
2 disease 2
2 is 3
2 a 4
2 very 5
2 general 6
dtm_tok <- dtm %>%  
  count(doc_id, token) %>%
  group_by(token) %>%
  mutate(docf = length(unique(doc_id))) %>% ungroup() %>%
  mutate(docf = round(docf/length(unique(doc_id)), 3 )) %>%
  filter(docf >= 0.01 & docf < 0.5 & 
           !grepl('^[0-9]|^[[:punct:]]', token))

dtm_tok %>% head() %>% knitr::kable()
doc_id token n docf
10 acknowledge 1 0.031
10 across 1 0.207
10 additional 1 0.151
10 address 3 0.217
10 adhere 1 0.018
10 ads 1 0.026
dtm_sparse <- dtm_tok %>%
  tidytext::bind_tf_idf(term = token, 
                        document = doc_id,
                        n = n) %>% 
  tidytext::cast_sparse(row = doc_id, 
                        column = token, 
                        value = tf_idf)

2.2 Cleaned text

ctext <- dtm %>%
  group_by(doc_id) %>%
  summarize(text = paste0(token, collapse = ' ')) %>% ungroup()

strwrap(ctext$text[5], width = 60)[1:5]
[1] "upon receiving a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes ( t1d ) ,"    
[2] "many people have the same reaction : “ but why me ? ” some" 
[3] "people have t1d that runs in their family , while others"   
[4] "have no idea how or why they received a diagnosis . often ,"
[5] "to their frustration , those questions go unanswered . but" 

2.3 Word embeddings

## devtools::install_github("pommedeterresautee/fastrtext") 
tmp_file_txt <- tempfile()
tmp_file_model <- tempfile()
writeLines(text = ctext$text, con = tmp_file_txt)
dims <- 25
window <- 5

fastrtext::execute(commands = c("skipgram",
                                "-input", tmp_file_txt, 
                                "-output", tmp_file_model, 
                                "-dim", gsub('^.*\\.', '', dims),
                                "-ws", window, 
                                "-verbose", 1))

Read 0M words
Number of words:  5318
Number of labels: 0

Progress: 100.0% words/sec/thread:  121781 lr:  0.000000 avg.loss:  2.421614 ETA:   0h 0m 0s
fast.model <- fastrtext::load_model(tmp_file_model)
add .bin extension to the path
fast.dict <- fastrtext::get_dictionary(fast.model)
embeddings <- fastrtext::get_word_vectors(fast.model, fast.dict)

3 Classifiers

articles1 <- articles0 %>%
  arrange(doc_id) %>%
  filter(doc_id %in% unique(dtm_tok$doc_id))
trainIndex <- caret::createDataPartition(articles1$term, p = .7)$Resample1

3.1 Bag-of-words & Naive Bayes

Document represented as bag-of-words.

dtm_train <- dtm_sparse[trainIndex, ]
dtm_test <- dtm_sparse[-trainIndex, ] 
dtm_classifier <- e1071::naiveBayes(as.matrix(dtm_train), 
                                    articles1[trainIndex, ]$term, 
                                    laplace = 0.5) 

dtm_predicted <- predict(dtm_classifier, as.matrix(dtm_test))

3.2 Word embeddings & Naive Bayes

Document represented as an aggregate (here, mean) of constituent word embeddings. Custom/FastText word embeddings derived from quicknews corpus (above).

v1 <- embeddings %>% 
  data.frame() %>%
  mutate(token = rownames(embeddings)) %>%
  filter(token %in% unique(dtm_tok$token)) %>%

avg0 <- lapply(unique(dtm$doc_id), function(y){
  d0 <- subset(v1, doc_id == y)
  d1 <- as.matrix(d0[, 1:dims])
  d2 <-Matrix.utils::aggregate.Matrix(d1,
                                      groupings = rep(y, nrow(d0)),
                                      fun = 'mean')

doc_embeddings <-, avg0)
emb_train <- doc_embeddings[trainIndex, ]
emb_test <- doc_embeddings[-trainIndex, ] 
emb_classifier <- e1071::naiveBayes(as.matrix(emb_train), 
                                    articles1[trainIndex, ]$term, 
                                    laplace = 0.5) 

emb_predicted <- predict(emb_classifier, as.matrix(emb_test))

3.3 FastText classifier

fast_train <- articles1[trainIndex, ]
fast_test <- articles1[-trainIndex, ]

Prepare data for FastText:

tmp_file_model <- tempfile()

train_labels <- paste0("__label__", fast_train$term)
train_texts <- tolower(fast_train$text)
train_to_write <- paste(train_labels, train_texts)
train_tmp_file_txt <- tempfile()
writeLines(text = train_to_write, con = train_tmp_file_txt)

test_labels <- paste0("__label__", fast_test$term)
test_texts <- tolower(fast_test$text)
test_to_write <- paste(test_labels, test_texts)
fastrtext::execute(commands = c("supervised", 
                                "-input", train_tmp_file_txt, 
                                "-output", tmp_file_model, 
                                "-dim", 25, 
                                "-lr", 1, 
                                "-epoch", 20, 
                                "-wordNgrams", 2, 
                                "-verbose", 1))

model <- fastrtext::load_model(tmp_file_model)
fast_predicted0 <- predict(model, sentences = test_to_write)
fast_predicted <- as.factor(names(unlist(fast_predicted0)))

4 Evaluation

predictions <- list('BOW' = dtm_predicted, 
                    'Word embeddings' = emb_predicted, 
                    'FastText' = fast_predicted)

4.1 Model accuracy

conf_mats <- lapply(predictions, 
                    reference = articles1[-trainIndex, ]$term)

sums <- lapply(conf_mats, '[[', 3) 
sums0 <-, sums)) %>%
  select(1:4) %>%
  mutate_at(1:4, round, 3)

sums0 %>% arrange(desc(Accuracy)) %>% knitr::kable()
Accuracy Kappa AccuracyLower AccuracyUpper
FastText 0.757 0.708 0.668 0.832
BOW 0.661 0.593 0.567 0.747
Word embeddings 0.452 0.341 0.359 0.548

4.2 FastText classifier: Model accuracy by class

conf_mats[['FastText']]$byClass %>% data.frame() %>%
  select (Sensitivity, Specificity, Balanced.Accuracy) %>%
  rownames_to_column(var = 'topic') %>%
  mutate(topic = gsub('Class: ','', topic)) %>% 
  mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 2) %>% 
topic Sensitivity Specificity Balanced.Accuracy
diabetes 0.75 1.00 0.88
heart_disease 0.56 0.99 0.77
kidney_disease 0.89 0.86 0.88
mental_health 0.89 0.96 0.93
obesity 0.74 0.93 0.83
substance_abuse 0.70 0.97 0.83

4.3 FastText classifier: Confusion matrix

dp <-[['FastText']]$table)

ggplot(data = dp,
       aes(x = Reference, y = Prediction)) +
    geom_tile(aes(fill = log(Freq)), 
              colour = "white") +
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", 
                        high = "steelblue") +
    geom_text(data = dp,
              aes(x = Reference, 
                  y = Prediction, 
                  label = Freq)) +
    theme(legend.position = "none",
                                   hjust=1)) + 
    labs(title="Confusion Matrix")

5 Summary